Lent season is upon us! Use this time to reflect on what Jesus has done for us.
Please mark your calendars! Our annual Redeemer West Side Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 1 pm in-person at W83. This meeting is open to all Redeemer West Side members, regular attendees, and participants.
For RWS Church Members: Childcare will be available for children age 2 through 5th grade and will require pre-registration (link will be emailed to you).
We will share a “state of the church” style update about our ministry impact and finances. The pastoral search committee will be providing a major search committee update. The brief official business portion (for Members) includes voting for lay elders and a trustee.
If you need to update your membership status or church affiliation, or if you have questions about church membership, contact Karen Markham, our Senior Managing Director, at membership@redeemerws.com.