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Please mark your calendars! Our annual Redeemer West Side Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 1 pm in-person at W83. This meeting is open to all Redeemer West Side members, regular attendees, and participants.

For RWS Church Members: Childcare will be available for children age 2 through 5th grade and will require pre-registration (link will be emailed to you).

We will share a “state of the church” style update about our ministry impact and finances. The pastoral search committee will be providing a major search committee update. The brief official business portion (for Members) includes voting for lay elders and a trustee.

If you need to update your membership status or church affiliation, or if you have questions about church membership, contact Karen Markham, our Senior Managing Director, at membership@redeemerws.com.

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