give to Redeemer West Side
thank you for your generosity
As you give, you’re helping meet the growing needs of our Upper West Side neighbors and equipping our community to fulfill our calling to serve our city.
ways to give
give online
Make a gift online via credit card or electronic check.
Each credit and debit card transaction is assessed a 1.5%–2.5% merchant fee. If you’d like to make a larger gift, please consider using an electronic check. Many banks offer electronic check payments through their automated bill-paying feature. Simply set up an electronically generated check to go to Redeemer Presbyterian Church West Side.
mail a check
Please mail checks (not cash) to:
Redeemer Presbyterian Church West Side
Attn: West Side Finance Dept.
150 W. 83rd St.
New York, NY 10024
In order to receive the appropriate documentation for tax purposes, your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check.
Bitcoin, Paypal, Stocks, employer matches, and more
Get creative with your giving! You can now give bitcoin and credit card reward points. You can also arrange for Amazon to give on your behalf.
Learn about additional ways you can give to Redeemer West Side.
need help?
For help making a gift online, via check, or in the form of stock or donor-advised fund, contact Priscilla at 917-206-1427 or priscilla.dewing@redeemer.com
Questions about giving? Click below for frequently asked questions.
holistic generosity
The first Christians were radically generous.
Through their assurance of Christ’s love, faithful boldness, and loving generosity, they demonstrated and proved that the gospel changes lives.
At Redeemer, we seek to model a community of Christians who live sacrificial lives of generosity.
Generosity takes many forms. It involves inviting people into your home, forgiving those who hurt you, spending time in ministry serving others, lending emotional support to those who need it, and giving people access to share in your privileges.
Of course, a life of generosity also includes sacrificial financial giving. Paul was talking about money when he wrote, “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (2 Corinthians 9:6). The early Christians recognized the power of steady commitment. In that spirit, please prayerfully consider setting up a recurring gift online. This allows our staff to better plan ministries and steward resources throughout the year.