west side kids safety &
security information
check in and security information for west side kids
we care for your child’s safety.
For the safety of your child, only people with printed tags may enter the children’s ministry hallways. Printed tags are available when you check in your child at the kiosks on the 1st and 3rd floors.
At least two adults are always present with children. No child will be left alone with one adult in a classroom.
check in
Check in is available 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the service begins. For safety and security, please check your child in before attending worship.
on your first visit
If this is your first time bringing your child to West Side Kids, come to the 3rd-floor desk where a staff member will be there to help you register your child. Provide your name, date of birth, email, and cell phone number in addition to your child’s name, date of birth, and any health or allergy information.
You will be given a security tag and your child’s name tags that will have matching codes. Please have your child wear their tag and hold on to yours.
After checking in, Nursery-PreK aged children can be go right to their class on the 3rd-floor. Staff will be available to help you find your child’s classroom. Please have your ID tag when dropping off your child.
If your child needs you during the service, your ID code will appear on the screen.
elementary-aged children
Elementary and Club 56 children will attend the first part of the service with their parents. From there, the children will be dismissed, find their teachers in the back of the sanctuary, and be escorted to their classrooms on the 4th-floor.
check out
To pick up your child, please show your identification tag with your child’s security number.