David’s Anointing

December 4 2022

Book: 1 Samuel

Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

We are looking at the grand story of the Bible. In Genesis we saw that God’s plan to save the world begins when he creates a covenant people (Abraham). But the people are continually unfaithful to the covenant. As we come to the story of David we find that the books of Joshua and Judges revealed that the Mosaic law and the Promised land were not sufficient to make the people faithful. The book of Judges ends pointing to the failure of the tribal affiliation model of the nation and points to the need for a king, God chooses the first two kings—Saul and David. Saul’s failure shows the need for a True King. In this passage we are introduced to David, who unlike Saul, has a heart for God (1 Sam 16:7) which is the essence of covenant faithfulness (Deut 6:5). Yet as the story of David proceeds, we see even in him the deep flaws that show us that we need some greater leader and shepherd.