Would you join us in praying for Redeemer West Side?
You can use this meditative prayer guide to reflect on God’s living word and to intercede on behalf of our church.
Tips for small groups:
- Two volunteers can be the scripture readers.
- The facilitator can read the silent reflection questions aloud and keep time (30–60 seconds of silence.)
- During the prayer times after the 2nd reading, we encourage you to use the style of conversational prayer, which emphasizes listening and uses short prayers that build upon one another. Review the Conversational Prayer Guide together before you begin.
Scripture | Jeremiah 29:7
“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
1st Reading: Read the Scripture aloud twice.
- Silent reflection (30-60 seconds): What words or phrases stand out to you?
- Share with the group: Take turns saying those words or phrases aloud.
2nd Reading: Read the Scripture aloud.
- Silent reflection (30–60 seconds): Based on these verses, how can you confidently and expectantly intercede on behalf of Redeemer West Side and our City?
- Pray conversationally about these topics:
- This transition period of our church
- Pastors, staff, lay leaders, congregants
- Our next senior pastor
- Redeemer’s future as part of God’s continued movement in the City