There are two places in the Gospels where Jesus marvels, and both have to do with belief. In one case, Jesus marvels at the faith of the Roman Centurion, who believes Jesus can command a disease be healed at a distance by the power of Jesus’ word, just as he, a military official, can command troops at his word. It’s a powerful demonstration of belief in Jesus’ divine authority (Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10).
The other time Jesus marvels is in his hometown. The residents don’t believe him, at least not much. We read this haunting conclusion to his visit: “And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief” (Mark 6:5-6).
In an 1870 sermon, London minister Charles Spurgeon points out that Jesus is never said to have marveled at the glories of nature, art, or science, the grandeur of Jerusalem’s temple, the pomp of Caesar’s empire, or the wisdom of the rabbis and philosophers of his day, but only at belief or unbelief.
To think that Jesus might marvel at us! But if so, is it for belief in what he might do? “That Jesus marvelled was in itself a marvel,” says Spurgeon. May our faith inspire his marvel.
In Christ,
Pastor Joel Kady
Director of Community & Mission
Join us on September 12! RSVP at the link below.
Goings On
• We’re hiring: We are seeking a Youth Ministry Manager to help develop our ministry for 6-12th graders. Check out the job description and pass it along to others who might be interested.
• Empower immigrant neighbors: The Open Door always needs virtual ESL tutors! This summer, commit once a week to teach classes for one hour.
• Serve as a Crisis Line Agent: Females needed to assist other women facing unplanned pregnancy to make informed, life-affirming pregnancy decisions. Volunteers serve a minimum of 6 hours a week between 10 am and 4 pm. Bilingual Spanish, French/Creole or Mandarin speakers a plus.
• Join a Moms Group: Moms Groups include prayer, worship, Bible study and create opportunities for connection, renewing us in the gospel so we can effectively serve our families and our neighbors.