As the classic hymnist writes, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it // prone to leave the God I love; // here’s my heart; O take and seal it; // seal it for thy courts above.” For those who have strayed from the truth or fallen into destructive patterns, hope remains for them to be restored to a relationship with God. James inspires Christians to bring others back to a vibrant and rooted faith (James 5:19-20). He encourages Christians to chase after those who wander and point them to the same gospel of grace that everyone needs.

This summer West Side Kids is hosting Vacation Bible School, an exciting weeklong event consisting of worship, skits, crafts, music, and Bible lessons in a camp-like atmosphere, all of which will help kids discover and celebrate God’s greatness! There are many places you can help, from helping set up on July 7 after service to helping with crafts, games, or many other activities the week of July 8-12, there is something for everyone.
Upcoming Events
- Jun 27 | West Side Reads:You Are Not Your Own
- Jul 13 | Summer Arts Showcase @ W83
Get Involved
RWS job opening: Youth Ministry Associate
Request childcare now for September Moms Group
Help adult students practice English virtually with The Open Door
Become a Supportive Neighbor to an Adult with a Disability in UWS