Yesterday we looked at the response of the disciples who had just spent the night in jail for preaching about the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 4:1-31). Immediately upon their release, John and Peter returned to their community and prayed. What is interesting to note is that they didn’t ask God to change their circumstances (get rid of those dangerous Sadducees) but instead prayed for courage. Why? Because what we all want and need in the face of the unpredictable circumstances that can shake our faith is unshakeable confidence in God’s goodness and presence. They rehearsed God’s power and goodness out loud, then asked and received boldness to continue to proclaim the good news of Jesus. It was a type of prayer Martyn Lloyd Jones writes about in his book Spiritual Depression:
“’We must talk to ourselves instead of allowing ‘ourselves’ to talk to us … the main trouble in this whole matter of spiritual depression in a sense is this, we allow our self to talk to us instead of talking to our self … Most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself.”
I know this is true of me as there are all kinds of voices in my head and heart that rob me of courage (faith). As you begin another week, read Psalm 42 and probe your fears, anxieties and doubts and then take time to remember (Psalm 42:6) the ways God has shown his love and care for you.
Stellar Vacation Bible School

Stellar VBS is an exciting weeklong event for kids 4 years old through 5th grade consisting of worship, skits, crafts, music, and Bible lessons in a camp-like atmosphere, all of which will help kids discover and celebrate God’s greatness!
Registration Deadline is May 19th. Invite a friend, spread the word, and help us Shine Jesus’ Light.
Upcoming Events
- May 19 | Redeemer Night
- May 21 | RWS Membership Class
- Jun 3 | How to Read the Bible Seminar