I am currently reading an Advent devotional focused on art created around the themes of the Advent season. I love the way art can portray beautiful truths – drawing me in and communicating in a style that penetrates deeper than simply reading words. Great art operates on us at a deeper level than simply the rational.
One of the themes that continues to emerge in the various pieces of art is the theme of light/darkness. The Bible calls Jesus “the light of the world” and many pieces of art illustrate this truth beautifulfully. The concept of light and darkness is one seen often in religious works of art. Often the darkness and light are used as contrast. The light often radiates from Jesus (in whatever form the particular painting depicts him in) and is contrasted with the darkness around him.
One piece in particular is Correggio’s “The Night” where we see the baby Jesus held by his mother, Mary. The light is radiating from the infant but this light also shines upon those near him. As Mary is looking lovingly in her arms at Jesus, the light emanating from him seems to please, astonish, illuminate and assure her. Over the past few weeks, I have found myself recalling this painting to mind and the way it articulates the beauty of the Advent season.
The beauty of the advent season is that the God of the universe came near to us. He loved us so much that he came to live among us – in the humble form of an infant. So he could share the light and hope of his love with us. And his light astonishes, but also assures and comforts us.
This theme of the light of Christ is one of the reasons we have Advent candles. The flames of the candles are visual reminders of the light that came to us with the birth of Christ. When you see Advent candles this season, I encourage you to allow your heart to be encouraged by that tiny flame! Be reminded of the light of Christ that astonishes and gives us comfort and assurance.
Sunday worship check-in
Since our official reopening in September, we’ve made chaOne of our core values as a church is that we aspire to be Renewed by Worship. Since our official reopening in September, we’ve made changes to our worship service. Please take one minute to let us know how this is affecting your experience on Sundays as we seek to love our neighbors and heal our city.
Coming up at RWS
- Share the Advent stories: This Christmas season we encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to read through the original Advent stories.
- Attend a Christmas Eve service, Dec 24: We will have two services on Christmas Eve – 4:00 and 6:00 pm. Invite your friends and neighbors to join you as we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ!
- Serve on Sundays: Our Book Table is opening up once again we are looking for volunteers to help! If you consider yourself an avid reader this could be a great place for you to volunteer.
- Volunteer with His Toy Store: Be a part of His Toy Stores milestone 25th year by serving with Hope for New York affiliates to bring holiday joy to families in need. Gather your CG, friends, and/or family to volunteer together.
- Teach GED Math in Spanish: If you love explaining math concepts, volunteer with The Open Door to teach students prepping for their GED. Virtual volunteers are needed every week on Wednesday evenings. Spanish speakers preferred, and training is provided.