This is the final week when the slower August vibe resonates on the West Side, while restaurants have seats available, the park is inviting, and coworkers are on vacation (maybe the boss is on vacation, too). In one week, all of that changes. The New York City switch flips to “on” and everything roars back to full speed. Here at Redeemer West Side, we are eager to reconnect with our congregation and meet new people. As you can see below, we have a string of opportunities for everyone to gather and grow together. We also have several new staff members ready to serve in various ways:
Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi starts today as our Senior Pastor and will begin preaching this Sunday.
Bethany Evans joined the team in July as our Communications Manager extraordinaire.
Two new Youth Ministry staff are starting, Cheyenne Roberts (Youth Ministry Associate) and Rachel Brown (Youth Ministry Assistant).
Priscila Prado began her role last week as our replacement Director of Operations & Facilities.
Hannah Mahan starts this week as our Community Ministry Associate, coordinating Young Adults’ and Women’s community events.
Alan Charnock will start in mid-September as our Director of Community Engagement.
Many of these positions have been open for months or years. We’ll fill you in with more details about these wonderful people over the next few weeks, but for now, we are thankful for the provision of a team this summer.
Grace and Peace,

We’re excited to place Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi into his new role as Senior Pastor during both Sunday services. Celebrate with the congregation and praise God for providing for and growing our church to love and serve this city! At 1 pm, you’re invited to kick off the start of the Ministry Year at our Church Picnic. Bring a blanket and your lunch and enjoy the beauty of Central Park.
Upcoming Events
- Sep 1 | Bijan’s First Sunday
- Sep 6 | Youth Group Kickoff for Middle and High Schoolers
- Sep 7 | Manuscript Bible Study Training
- Sep 7 | Sewn to Restore: Elegantees Fashion Show
- Sep 8 | Bijan’s Installation and Church Picnic
- Sep 9 | Election 2024: Does Jesus Care How You Vote?
Get Involved
RWS job opening: Youth Ministry Manager
Lead or host Pilot Community Groups
Join Network Talks on September 19
Attend in-person orientation session with Do for One