WS Update: He Gives More Grace 

June 3, 2024

Sometimes the hardest thing for a Christian to do is to simply submit to God. It’s easier to know more about him, pray, serve, trust, and even ask for forgiveness. Our pride, whether it’s about independence or control, is a barrier to a relationship with him. To humbly put our will under his will, however, fights against the core problem we all have. Thankfully, as James writes beautifully in 4:6, “But he gives us more grace.” He calls us to be humble and in that posture of humility, he restores and lifts up his people.
Grace and Peace,

West Side Reads was created as a venue to come together after reading a faithful Christian book to help each other understand it, to push each other to commit to applying the wisdom we find within it, and then to be attentive to how God works it out in our lives.
Our next discussion will be based on Alan Noble’s You Are Not Your Own: Belonging to God in an Inhuman World. Noble considers the way that one of modern life’s overarching assumptions—that you belong only to yourself—is crushing us and how the gospel’s promise—that we belong “body and soul, both in life and death” to Jesus—is the antidote. By studying Noble’s contrasting visions of the good life, we can better understand who we are and, more importantly, whose we are.

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