Next Sunday, we will focus on James 5:13-18 that explains the historic role of healing prayer in the church. James calls the elders of the church to pray for the sick by faith, anointing them with oil. We will talk about the role of prayer, the struggles of waiting for answers, and the disappointments when God does not seem to deliver what we ask. This type of prayer is a regular, but little-known ministry of our church. In addition to the sermon, we hope to have a time to put that into practice after the service. If you are suffering from an extended physical ailment, elders want to pray for you, so plan to come forward.

It’s time to gather, hang out with friends, and meet new people! We’ll have a couple of outdoor games set up and a raffle with prizes, including RWS swag.
Pre-order a delicious sandwich lunch, and pick it up in the lobby after the service. Then, bring a blanket and your lunch and enjoy the beauty of Central Park! We’ll be meeting at the W. 81st entrance, just south of the boulders past the Diana Ross Playground.
Upcoming Events
- Jun 19 | Take the Church-wide Survey Deadline
- Jun 23 | Volunteer Choir
- Jun 27 | West Side Reads:You Are Not Your Own
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RWS job opening: Youth Ministry Assistant
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