Yesterday we continued looking at our new core values, this one seeking to unleash and empower congregants to love and serve our neighbors (click here to listen to the sermon). In particular we focused on the role of how God’s Spirit empowers the church to minister in Jesus’ name. In Ephesians 4:7-12 we find that Jesus’ kingly power, which will eventually heal the world physically, socially, and spiritually, is now distributed through the church. This means that every Christian is in ministry through the church. No one is merely a consumer of services but instead is a distributor of the Spirit’s services and power. At times this can feel like a burden, trying to find where we fit in and how to discern our gifts. But when we consider the gift of God’s Spirit in our lives it first becomes an opportunity to marvel at God’s generosity to us, inviting us to participate in his cosmic renewal and rebirth.
Read this quote from NT Wright and reflect on just what it means that the Holy Spirit resides in you:
The Spirit is given so that we, ordinary mortals that we are, can ourselves be, in a measure, what Jesus himself was: part of God’s future arriving in the present; a place where heaven and earth meet; the means of God’s kingdom going forwards. The Spirit is given, in fact, so that the church can share in the life and continuing work of of Jesus himself, now that he has gone into God’s dimension
There is no greater purpose in life than to participate in God’s renewal of all things. As you begin another week ask the Spirit to lead you into the lives of those who are hurting and for the grace to serve them in Jesus’ name.
You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. — Romans 8:9-11
All-Church Worship Night

Friday, November 19
8:00 pm
W83 Ministry Center
As we approach Thanksgiving it’s important to set aside time to remember God’s goodness to us. As a church, we have so much to be grateful for.
We invite you to join us at W83 to set aside intentional time for reflection and praise. Our worship team will lead us in singing songs to God and Pastor David will give a brief reflection.
“The Lord is our song – and you only sing about something when it moves you in a certain way. We see that God is not only a God to be believed, God is not only a God to be obeyed but he is a God to be sung over.”
— Pastor Paul Yoo
His Toy Store 25th Anniversary
Our friends at Hope for New York are celebrating the 25th anniversary of His Toy Store! His Toy Store was actually created by two Redeemer women who connected with Hope for New York to start this annual Christmas outreach. This year, the pandemic version of His Toy Store continues, and we’d love our church to raise holiday funds for affiliates who will distribute toys and basic items to families in need. Join us in giving this holiday season!
Give by November 30:
Coming up at RWS
- Submit your resume: We are still looking to hire a Communications Manager, WS Kids Administrative Assistant, and WS Kids Elementary Manager. Please spread the word to those in your circles! We’d love to fill these positions by the end of the year.
- Volunteer this fall: Loving our neighbors has always been part of our history. There are opportunities to serve this Thanksgiving as well as throughout the year.
- Submit an exhibit idea: The Gallery at W83 is always interested in hearing new ideas for an art exhibit. If you or a friend of yours is an artist and you have an idea, let them know!
- RSVP to a WS Dads Pub Night, Nov 10: All dads (and soon-to-be dads) are invited to hang out at George Keeley’s and get to know other dads at Redeemer West Side.
- Get your ticket for HFNY’s Virtual Fall Benefit, Nov 11: This year, our very own Pastor David Bisgrove is hosting Hope for New York’s event! Come hear David and our affiliates have a conversation about sustaining biblical hope during the pandemic.
- Volunteer for Boxes of Love Packing Party, Nov 13: This year, Boxes of Love will be held at Cru Inner City’s warehouse in Long Island City. Pack boxes with Thanksgiving meal items.
- Sign up for New at RWS, Nov 14: If you’re new to Redeemer West Side we’d love to meet you! This gathering is also a great way to learn about who we are – our vision, values, and ministries and what your next steps are to get more involved.
- Attend Family Worship Night: All families are invited to join West Side Kids for the November Family Worship Night. Not only will you be participating in a service project that will be used to serve our neighbors this Thanksgiving, but you’ll also look ahead and start preparing your hearts for the Advent season.