WS Update: Living Easter

April 17, 2023

One week ago, on Easter Monday, we were reminded that the hope of the resurrection celebrated twenty-four hours earlier can be slippery, as reports of another mass shooting flooded our news feeds. The shouts of “He is Risen Indeed!” can too often be drowned out by a different kind of body count. This is the point Esau McCaulley made in this opinion piece last week, that it is often:

Easier to believe that everyone who loves us has some secret agenda? That racism will forever block the creation of what Martin Luther King Jr. called the beloved community? That poverty is a fact of human existence? Despair allows us to give up our resistance and rest awhile.

This is why Easter hope is a spiritual discipline more than it is an emotional experience. I love every minute of our Easter services, riding the wave of spiritual joy that the liturgy creates, but living that resurrection hope is to embody the description of Abraham in Romans 4 who “against all hope… in hope believed.” That is less a wave of joy than an act of faith, which is why we must do what Peter did that first Easter morning. Despite his skepticism, Luke writes that Peter ran toward the empty tomb (Luke 22). For followers of Jesus this means we must against all hope, hope, by showing up to worship, engaging in community, serving the poor, praying and studying scripture. This is the way the power of the resurrection flows through us and cultivates hope in and through us. So as you head out for another Monday, take the time to reflect on the passage below as you seek to embody the good news that Jesus is risen indeed!

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.  – Colossians 3:1-4

Live at W83 featuring Carmen Cancél, Sofrito & the Blues

A lively evening of Latin, jazz and blues music followed by light fare and drinks.

Carmen Cancél, César Orozco, Jainardo Batista, Juancho Herrera, Matt Garrison, and Pedro Giraudo collaboration began at the Voices of Diaspora Festival in NYC, and they’ve expanded their show to feature fresh takes on Latin, jazz, and blues tunes.

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