In the book The Body Keeps the Score, there is one quote that summarizes the human need for connection:
“’Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.”
This past week there have been several articles highlighting the current crisis of pain, loneliness, and our collective sense of detachment, or ‘non-belonging’. Reflecting on this crisis in light of our current series in Acts, I was struck by how the early church grew through their collective generosity leading to the startling line that “God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them (Acts 4:33-34). The word ‘needy’ comes from the Greek word pertaining to what is necessary for existence. Clearly, the word includes financial generosity to meet the material needs of one another, but it also means deep connection and friendship. The church is to be that fellowship of grace where it is safe to be vulnerable and known as we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to meet the needs of those around us. This, after all, is what Jesus did for us; moving towards our vulnerability and need with the ultimate act of generosity on the cross.
For those who are part of our Redeemer West Side family, we have opportunities for you to be connected to others, including community groups. In addition, if you are part of our church and require assistance you can reach out to the Redeemer Counseling Services or our Diaconate. For everyone reading this, there is someone in your life who would benefit this week from a phone call or conversation over coffee (not a text). Play your part in making sure there are no needy among your group of friends. It will be good for you and them!
Premarital Seminar

Getting married? Just considering it?
Plan on attending Redeemer’s Premarital Seminar. You don’t have to be engaged to participate in the seminar. Even if you’ve just begun considering the possibility of marriage, this is a powerful way to discover whether you should continue in your relationship.
Upcoming Events
- May 14 | Serve at All Angels’ Community Meal
- May 19 | Redeemer Night
- May 21 | RWS Membership Class