A few weeks ago in The New Yorker, Al Pacino shared a story that vividly reminded me about the indispensability of community. He described a time when he was young and, on his way home from a baseball game, got mugged and had his glove stolen. He was alone when it happened. As he remembered that day, he wrote: “If only I’d had Cliffy, Petey, and Bruce with me. It wasn’t just comfortable for us to be together in our group–it was necessary.”
What may have been true on that day for Pacino has always been true in the spiritual realm: we need other people. Life is too hard, temptations are too strong, and our adversary (the evil one) is too real for us to go at life alone.
Community is messy, I know that. As an introvert, I know that sometimes sharing life with others is more an act of obedience than it is an act of joy. But there’s no substitute. Community is an essential part of faithfully following Jesus.
If you’re already in Christian community, here’s my ask of you: is there someone around you that you can welcome into your community? And if you’re not yet in community (maybe you’re new to the city or new to Redeemer), please consider the opportunities below and commit to community this fall. Your spiritual life depends on it.
Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi

Sunday, September 29 at 1:15 pm
RWS Membership Class
If you’re interested in becoming a member, this class is a requisite. It teaches the gospel theology and ministry of Redeemer West Side. We cover what’s behind the five membership vows, how a PCA church is led, and how members step into our sacred call to love our neighbors and heal our city.
Upcoming Events
- Sep 18 | 20s & 30s Kickoff
- Sep 19 | Network Talks (Bridging the Gap: Disparities in the NYC Education System)
- Sep 21 | Oh Sparrow’s Album Release Show
- Sep 22 | Ministry Fair
- Sep 27 to 29 | West Side Youth Lake Champion Retreat
- Sep 29 | RWS Membership Class
- Oct 6 | RWS & LSQ Congregational & Corporate Meeting
Get Involved
RWS job opening: Elementary Sunday School Teacher
Find the right RWS community group for you on our website
Be a Small Group Leader for WS Youth on Fridays or the Lake Champion Fall Retreat (Sep 27 to 29)
Register for Redeemer Counseling’s Renewal Groups on “Emotional Strength & Peace” or “Your Asian American Journey”
Join HFNY’s Network Talks on September 19 at W83
Mentor elementary students after school with A House on Beekman