I wonder what Mary and Joseph did with the lavish gifts from the Magi. This is a family that could not secure a comfortable place to stay and give birth in Bethlehem. Nor could they afford more than birds for the temple offering when Jesus was born—the offering reserved for those with the least resources. Then magi come to worship Jesus, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Shortly after this, the family has to flee to Egypt and then back again, but this time to Nazareth. This is certainly a highly disruptive and costly endeavor. Maybe these gifts fund the expenses.
I’m reminded that often in the Bible the worship of God meets the needs of neighbors. Many of the temple food offerings also fed the priesthood. When the biblical prophets assess the faith community they cast the love of neighbor as the primary act of worship. If this worship isn’t offered, then the temple work and other devotional acts don’t matter to God.
When we “open our treasures” like the Magi, will our offerings also help our neighbors?
Three Kings Day Celebration at the Frederick Douglass Houses

Join us at the Frederick Douglass Houses as the community celebrates Three Kings Day.
In many Hispanic and Latin American cultures, Three Kings Days (also known as Epiphany) is the final celebration that marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas.
This is an opportunity for our church to not only volunteer but to build relationships with the community there.
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- Jan 12 | Addiction Discussion Group
- Jan 12 | Infertility, Miscarriage & Infant Loss Support Group
- Jan 12 | Grief & Loss Support Group