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What is prayer? Who is the Holy Spirit? How does God speak, and how do we listen?

In this foundational class, we will explore and answer these questions and more as we experience the basic styles of prayer. Join us for a five-week cohort that includes in-depth teaching, in-class individual and group prayer exercises, and at-home devotionals and assignments.

Together, we will deepen our prayer lives and be equipped to pray with and for others as we grow in our relationship with God. 

*A special note: Prayer Cohort I is the first of a two-part series cohort. If you have participated in the Prayer: Putting It Into Practice class, we still encourage you to join us! The two cohorts expand on existing class materials with new teachings and prayer tools throughout and reinforce that the power of prayer is not simply in just knowing the “what” and the “how,” but it’s in the “doing.”


For more information and to register, visit redeemerws.com/prayercohort