Children teach adults all kinds of things about themselves and God. For example, you never have to teach a child to say “Mine!,” but teaching them to say “Thank you” is a never-ending process. Adults are no different, which is why God commands us to be thankful. Why is it important? I recently had a conversation with someone about their concern for the future. He asked me what was the most important thing to nurture. Because of my own struggles in this area I said “contentment,” and that contentment (like joy) is the fruit of thanksgiving. N.T. Wright puts it this way:
There is an old spiritual discipline of listing one’s blessings, naming them before God, and giving thanks. It’s a healthy thing to do, especially in a world where we too often assume we have an absolute right to health, happiness and every possible creature comfort.
God commands thanksgiving because it is healing to our soul, reminding us that we aren’t in control of the world and of all the good things he has given us. So putting that discipline into practice, I want to thank you for the ways you have supported and encouraged me and Redeemer West Side over the years.
So as we begin Thanksgiving week, before you get overwhelmed with Black Friday, make the time to list some blessings and give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
Praise the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
– Psalm 106:1
Pastoral Search Committee Update
As Pastor David prepares for his retirement, the search committee has accepted the call of helping RWS find its next senior pastor. Following the congregation’s vote to form the pastoral search committee on October 15, the committee held its initial orientation meeting six days later, on October 22. In the two weeks that followed, the committee members spent time researching and reflecting on the rich history of Redeemer in New York City from its inception in 1989 to its present state, with an eye towards understanding the shifting cultural contexts and the church’s future outlook. This research will help to create congregational and pastoral profiles that will serve as Spirit-led benchmarks to help guide our next steps.
Going forward, the committee will also be organizing information-gathering sessions with staff, lay leaders, and members of the congregation that will be held within the next month. Our goal with these sessions is to learn from you and to add your voices into the profiles we’ll generate. We encourage wide participation as we try to be both comprehensive and efficient. More details will be sent by email regarding dates and how to sign up for these sessions. Lastly, we are asking everyone to continue to pray for our pastors, the church, and the search committee. We, as a committee, surrender to the agenda of the Holy Spirit and trust that God has already chosen our new pastor and will make this transition one that strengthens our mission to live out a sacred call by Jesus to love our neighbors and heal our city.
– Bianca Horn, on behalf of the Search Committee
Elected Leader Nominations

Now is the opportunity for church members to nominate fellow church members to serve as elected leader of our church. Elders, Deacons, and Deaconesses play an important role in caring for and leading Redeemer West Side.
Please join us in prayer for new leaders and if you are a church member, nominate someone online by December 10.
Upcoming Event
- Nov 20 | Last Day to Register for Birthday Party for Jesus
- Nov 23 | Serve Thanksgiving Meal to Neighbors Experiencing Homelessness
- Dec 1 | “Show Up and Show Out”: An exhibition by AHRC NYC’s Fisher Center Artists
- Dec 2 | Following Jesus class
- Dec 3 | RWS Membership Class
- Dec 3 | You’re Gonna Be “Single” Forever. So … seminar
- Dec 6 | Volunteer at Upper West Side His Toy Store for Immigrant Community
- Dec 10 | Lessons & Carols Sunday services
- Dec 13 | Last Day to Donate for the Winter Clothing Drive
- Dec 16 | Bring Christmas Cheer to Families in the South Bronx
- Dec 16 | Serve at Operation Exodus’s His Toy Store Event