Easter Sunday is the high water mark of the Christian year. People who haven’t been to church since Christmas Eve flow into churches on that day and hear the life changing news that Jesus rose from the dead, vindicating his claim that he is the King and Savior of the world. Given this news one would think that the increased attendance would carry over to the following Sundays, but it rarely does. Why? In the words of Fleming Rutledge it might be because more will be asked of them then they are ready for. She writes:
Is it possible that the truth is too threatening to most people? “The Lord is risen indeed” is not a cheerful message about longer hours of sunshine. It is a world-overturning announcement about the reorientation of our entire existence.
This is why we will spend the rest of the spring through early July reflecting on the New Testament book of Galatians. It retells the remarkable transformation of its author (Paul) from a zealous persecutor of Christians to its chief missiologist. And it highlights that the freedom achieved through Christ’s death and resurrection requires a reorientation of our lives in which we ‘walk by the Spirit’ in such a way to bear His fruit of “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Freedom to live this life is possible because “He is risen indeed” and is the mandate for those who claim to be followers of Jesus in a world in desperate need of this fruit.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1
Congregational Meeting
Our annual Redeemer West Side Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 12:15 pm in-person at W83. This meeting is open to all Redeemer West Side participants, members and regulars.
The main event is launching Redeemer LSQ as an independent church, with all of the related items that need approval from our members. Our fellow members at Redeemer Lincoln Square will join us for this momentous gathering.
Coming up
- Getting married?, May 7: Plan on attending Redeemer’s Premarital Seminar. You don’t have to be engaged to participate in the seminar. Even if you’ve just begun considering the possibility of marriage, this is a powerful way to discover whether you should continue in your relationship. This seminar is a lively day of biblical teaching on marriage, exercises that help a couple learn more about each other, and ending with a time of Q&A.
- Celebrating Our Home in The City, May 13: Join us on Friday night, May 13 for an evening of celebration as we give thanks to God for all He has done in and through our W83 church home.
- Innovating Our Home in The City, May 15: Join us on Sunday afternoon, May 15 for a luncheon about innovating ministry in the CIty. RSVP necessary.
- Gotham Applications are now open!: The Gotham Fellowship is a nine-month learning community designed to broaden your understanding of and deepen your connection to God’s redemptive work by applying theology, spiritual practices, and cultural renewal to your work, your relationships, and New York City.
- Thank you for supporting Hope for New York: Thank you, West Side, for giving generously to Hope for New York this Easter season! To date, West Side congregants have given over $14,000 (and counting) to support all HFNY affiliates, including Dream Center, Safe Families for Children, The Bowery Mission, The Open Door, and Young Life/YoungLives.
- Find ways to serve with Dream Center: On Easter Sunday, you watched a Story of Hope featuring Dream Center. Learn more about this ministry that supports vulnerable neighbors living in public housing, to serve this year!