WS Update: Prayer Training with John Onwuchekwa

January 6, 2025

In Jeremiah 29, God tells his people to seek the shalom—to work for the good—of their city. One of the ways they were to seek that shalom was through prayer.

As a church, one of our values is pursuing and promoting shalom in and for our city. However else we seek the good of our city, one thing we must do is pray. That’s one reason why we’re thrilled to be hosting Pastor John Onwuchekwa on January 23, who will lead us in a prayer training on how we can grow as a church that prays for this city where God has placed us.

I’ve been very helped by Pastor John’s writing and teaching on the subject of prayer, and I am so glad our congregation will be able to learn with and from him as we seek to deepen our church’s prayer culture.

I hope you’ll prioritize joining this catalytic gathering on January 23.

In Christ,

Pastor Bijan

How could New York City be changed if we, the church, adopted a posture of prayer as we seek God’s renewal in our city? Speaker and author John Onwuchekwa will guide and challenge us to become a more prayerful church in our personal lives and as we love and serve our neighbors and seek renewal in our city. Tickets are $10 per person; register at this link.


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RWS Job Opening: Vocation Group Catalyst (PT)
Stream Redeemer West Side’s new worship playlist.
Sign up for our Community Engagement Newsletter.
Join Redeemer Counseling’s “Your Asian American Journey” support group. 
Pray for the city together in-person on January 16.