Repentance is refreshing in light of gospel hope. We don’t have to plead with God or outperform our shame with good deeds. Instead, “Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed” (Psalm 34:5). Christian repentance is based on Jesus, who erases shame with his sacrifice. When your inner monologue condemns you or makes you think that you are irredeemable, rely instead on the completed work of Christ on your behalf.
Pastoral search committee update
At our last month’s update, we had discussed finalization of our pastor profile and a pivot
to the active phase of our search process. We noted that our next step was to generate an outward facing church and pastor profile based to a large extent on the data pulled from our research and the listening sessions. This profile is now available on the RWS website, through a link on the homepage. We’ll provide updates to this in the future as well. We note that beneath all of this work has been a patient discernment of the Spirit’s calling. At times, this has quickened the pace our work. At other times, this has tempered it, leading us to walk with and sometimes to stand in front of the Lord. Through all of this the search committee has remained like-minded in its desire to elevate God’s will above our own, and unified in its work together.
Moving forward, the committee will begin conducting interviews with potential pastor candidates. It’s important for us to relay to you that while we will continue to provide monthly
updates to keep you abreast of our progress, there will be confidentiality around who the
candidates are as we go forward. This confidentiality will help us to protect the purity of the
process, for both us and the potential candidates. We continue to lean on your prayers for our
pastors, the church, and the search committee. During this Lent season, we are reminded of our commitment to surrender to the Holy Spirit, to trust God through this process, and to seek his wisdom and guidance above our own.

During this season of Lent, we will be opening up the sanctuary for prayer on Wednesday evenings in March from 6 to 7 pm. This will be a quiet space for anyone to come to pray, worship, and reflect on their own.
- Mar 2 | Premarital Seminar
- Mar 3 | Soup Sunday
- Mar 7 | How People Change
- Mar 8 | Of Bucking The Darkness: Artist Talk on art and faith
More ways to get involved
- Register for the Engaging Culture conference at the early-bird pricing
- Pastoral search prayer guide for individuals and small groups
- Apply for the Gotham Fellowship and take advantage of the early-bird pricing
- Follow 40 Days of Hope during Lent
- Speak Spanish? Come volunteer at one of these opportunities