Yesterday we wrapped up a 10-week series (watch yesterday’s message) on the book of Acts. Over the weeks, we’ve seen how the gospel had spread from a tiny band of Jesus’ followers in Jerusalem out into the whole world, even to the highest reaches of power in the Roman Empire. This was a message with global implications that would resound far and wide.
As the message about Jesus spread, it was often misunderstood, resisted, and even actively opposed. The apostle Paul himself was imprisoned multiple times for his faith in Jesus, but he continued to humbly yet boldly testify to the gospel’s life-changing message and power.
Throughout history, the gospel has often come under trial before the powers of the world. Its claims have often been misunderstood and therefore rejected. Today, increasing numbers of people see Christianity not as good news but as socially regressive and backward.
But when the gospel is properly understood and lived out, it can be seen that it is not ultimately a threat but truly good news for the world. It fulfills our deepest hopes and longings, both personally and as a culture. On the personal level, the gospel alone can truly lead us to understand ourselves and find wholeness. On the cultural level, N. T. Wright has said, “The point of Easter [and thus the resurrection of Jesus] is that it is the beginning of God’s new world.” God is bringing dead things to life, broken things to wholeness, and ushering in a new world teeming with life and beauty.
In an age of anxiety and fear, what could be better news than this? Some may still think Christians are “out of our minds,” just as the Governor Festus thought of Paul. But when the life of Jesus is embodied in our own lives, maybe others will begin to glimpse the healing and restoring power that our world so desperately needs.
We Are Donating a Little Free Library to the Frederick Douglass Houses!

Ways you can be involved
- Donate new or gently-used books for children ages 0-12, in either English or Spanish.
- Join us for the public launch and dedication event at the Frederick Douglass Houses.
When: Wednesday, June 28 in the afternoon.
Upcoming Events
- Jun 27 | 20s & 30s Game Night
- Jun 29 | Considering Jesus
- Jun 30 | Support more HFNY affiliates During Grantmaking Season
- Jul 2 | Last Day to Take the RWS Pastoral Care Survey
- Jul 10 | Volunteer at Stellar Vacation Bible School