WS Update: Freedom from Fear 

Yesterday we continued our exploration of Romans 8 in which Paul ,the author of the letter, contrasts the fear that enslaves humanity with the acceptance that comes from God’s adoption (Romans…

WS Update: Shame, Snickering and Grace

Yesterday we explored the first of four sermons in Romans 8, which begins “Therefore there is now no condemnation.” Condemnation is the complete disapproval of a person, involving the power…

WS Update: Wisdom’s Arc

Yesterday, we continued our series on the Holy Spirit, reflecting on God’s wisdom – a powerful force according to which the whole universe is ordered, and in which it coheres. The…

WS Update: Christmas Day

A baby is a harmless thing     And wins our hearts with one accord,And Flower of Babies was their King,     Jesus Christ our Lord:Lily of lilies HeUpon His Mother’s knee;Rose of…

WS Update: Hope and Promise

There is no shortage of diagnoses and opinions about the state of our world, most of them pessimistic. Of course, the state of our world is an outgrowth of the state…

WS Update: The Center Cannot Hold

William Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming,” includes the line: “Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.” (The full poem is below.) This pessimistic prophecy finds resonance in our cultural moment…

WS Update: Giving Thanks

Children teach adults all kinds of things about themselves and God. For example, you never have to teach a child to say “Mine!,” but teaching them to say “Thank you” is a…

WS Update: Christmas Time. Advent Time

Every year around this time I find myself asking, “Where did the time go?!” “How is Christmas a month away?!” Perhaps it is because Christmas movies start playing around Halloween,…

WS Update: Hearing Prayer, Seeing Tears

The Old Testament is wise, mysterious, disturbing, and hopeful. A monolithic reading that interprets its writings as reflecting a wrathful God as opposed to the gracious God of the New…