When you hear secular neighbors, politicians, or TEDtalk pundits speak, they bring in transcendent categories that cannot fit the secular vision of reality. Despite that, echoes of the Christian story still surround us. “The assumed stories of secularity no longer take God for granted, yet even atheists… can’t so easily shake the categories of personhood that have historically been inseparable from transcendence. Meaning, morality, beauty, hope, and love seem too etched into the core of who we are.” (Joshua Chatraw, Telling a Better Story). These transcendent themes are places of connection to retell the Christian story that everyone longs for.

Our annual Redeemer West Side Congregational Meeting will be in-person at W83 on Sunday, May 1 at 1 pm. We will spend the majority of the time updating our congregation about our ministry impact and finances. The pastoral search committee will be providing a major search committee update. The brief official business portion (for Members only) includes voting for our lay elders and a trustee.
Upcoming Event
- May 1 | Registration Deadline for Gotham Fellowship
- May 3 | Live at W83 featuring artists from the Lindemann Young Artist Development Program at the Metropolitan Opera
- May 5 | Congregational Meeting
- May 11 | A Dash of Faith 5K Fun Run
- May 23 | Vacation Bible School Registration Deadline
Get Involved
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Read the Pastoral search prayer guide for individuals and small groups
Join Team HFNY for the 2024 TCS NYC Marathon
Help Immigrant Students Practice ESL with The Open Door